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7 Brothers Torrent: Download the Epic Action Movie for Free


In his memoirs Howard Keel said he had a rollicking good time making Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and the results certainly do show. If there is a more boisterous musical out there, I haven't found it.Keel is Adam Pontipee, eldest brother of seven who own a farm way out in a valley that is usually snowed in during wintertime. That fact becomes of singular importance later on in the film. Living with six other brothers in what could be described as bachelor quarters can be mighty stressful. Not to mention certain other needs aren't being met. So Keel up and decides to get himself a wife and he goes to the nearest town to find one. Amazingly enough he does when Jane Powell decides that with once glance, he's indeed the one.On the Pontipee Farm she's not only wife to Keel, but a den mother to the other brothers. She's lucky she didn't run into that family of inbreds that Randolph Scott and Joel McCrea rescued Mariette Hartley from in Ride the High Country, they would have expected a lot more.Those six other brothers see what benefits from married life Keel is enjoying with Powell and decide to take matters into their own hands with a little help from Keel in that Sobbin' Women number. Powell brought up Plutarch's Lives and Keel read about those Sabine women and encourages the Pontipees to be good Romans. At least that's what Plutarch said.When you think of it Seven Brides for Seven Brothers has one of the silliest plots on record. I mean we are talking about kidnapping and possible rape. But the score is great and the singing and dancing can't be beat. Gene DePaul and Johnny Mercer wrote the music and lyrics for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, the following year they would collaborate on Lil Abner on Broadway which would eventually come to Hollywood.Curiously enough three songs entitled When You're In Love came out at the same time. The one in this version that Keel and Powell both sing, one that Bing Crosby sang in the television musical High Tor and one that Mario Lanza did on one of his albums. For that matter there's an even older song sung by Russ Columbo in Wake Up and Dream from the Thirties. This one however is the best.Seven Brides for Seven Brothers hasn't aged a bit from its first showing in 1954. It's one of those eternal films that will be enjoyed a millenia from now. At least that's what me and Plutarch say.

7 Brothers torrent

Although I thoroughly enjoyed "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" as did the folks back in 1954, if you think about it, the plot is really, really creepy! And, if you behave like the Pontipee Brothers, you'll no doubt end up in prison!! So kids, DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!!! The film begins with Millie (Jane Powell) marrying Adam Pontipee (Howard Keel) very shortly after meeting this gruff man from the wilderness. However, her joy doesn't last very long once he takes her home! She learns that she now has not only her husband to care for but his six roughneck brothers. The men have no manners and are far from ideal brothers-in-law, but Millie makes it her job to civilize them. Although there are a few hiccups (such as their behavior at a barn raising), she appears to have done an excellent job. HOWEVER, when Adam talks with his brothers about their wanting wives as well, he gives them the worst possible advice. He tells them the famous story of the Sabine women--and based on this story, the brothers decide that the best way to get these new brides is to kidnap them!!! Again, I reiterate....DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME KIDS!!! How will it all turn out? Well, I'll give you a hint--it does NOT result in the men being sentenced to federal prison!! And, the way the kidnap victims respond should NOT encourage you to try this sort of stuff yourself!!! This is probably the best example of a film with a horrible plot that STILL manages to be terrifically entertaining. Much of this is because the songs are excellent--and often very funny and toe-tapping. Also, the dance numbers are pretty amazing--in a manly sort of way, of course! My advice is to watch the film but try not to see it with a rabid feminist (like my oldest daughter). She and they probably WON'T appreciate the creepy plot...and I guess I can't blame them. But, it IS a fun little film! By the way, the 'Sobbin Women' song and much of the plot to the film are based on the Roman story (most likely apocryphal) of the abduction of the Sabine women. However, according to Livy (a long-dead Roman historian) it was really an abduction--where the Roman men needed brides and stole them from the Sabines. However, it was not a rape--though later writers and artists referred to it as a sort of gang rape--calling many statues and paintings "The Rape of the Sabine Women"! Instead, according to this historian, the women eventually agreed to marry the men and were not sexually assaulted. Also, Marc Platt ('Daniel') is turning 100 later this year!

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Adam, the eldest of seven brothers, goes to town to get a wife. He convinces Milly to marry him that same day. They return to his backwoods home. Only then does she discover he has six brothers - all living in his cabin. Milly sets out to reform the uncouth siblings, who are anxious to get wives of their own. Then, after reading about the Roman capture of the Sabine women, Adam develops an inspired solution to his brothers' loneliness.

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